Showing posts with label hand cut posts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hand cut posts. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hand Cut Posts

So I decided I needed some extra supports for the loft in the shed, and have tenative ideas about pulling half of the loft out in favor of lighting and a ceiling fan sometime in the future. It would give the structure a less claustrophobic, hobbit hole kind of feeling and open up some needed headspace.

It would also reduce my total square footage, not that the loft space is very big to begin with. We will see, but the supports are needed whether or not part of the loft gets cut out.

Off to find some support beams.

Here, we have rough lengths from a standing dead knobcone pine that was cut down several months ago.

This is what the poles look like when I drag them out of the woods.

I cut all the pine cones, branches and rough cut limb ends down with a handsaw. I strip the bark off with my pocket knife.

Pine beetle damage underneath the bark. This is what killed the tree.

All peeled, bucked, cleaned and sanded with rough grit sandpaper.

I finished one post this morning and am more than halfway done with the second post. When I am finished, these will be cut to length and then the ends will be sliced up to be put into the walls.