Sunday, April 1, 2018

Spring, and new babies

After an unusually dry and warm winter, we have finally been seeing some spring rains. Yay for the rain!! The pasture is nice and lush, the goats are grazing it, and we have a couple new additions to the farm.

     Opal had twins last week. The birth was unassisted, and in the middle of the night. She had a doeling and a buckling this time. The buckling is a real looker, with his black and white markings! He is also quite a bit larger than all of Opal's previous babies, it seems his phenotype leans toward the Alpine influence in his blood.
     So far both the kids are still on Mama, however I plan to pull the buckling off and sell him as a nbottle baby. I have been practicing bottle feeding in anticipation of his going to a new home.
     Right now, Mama is out grazing, while her kids rest in their nice, well bedded pen waiting for her to get back. It is during these away from Mama times that I have been introducing the bottle and handling the kids to keep them friendly. If not handled, dam-raised kids tend to grow up half wild, and don't appreciate human interaction.

There are wild turkeys in the neighborhood again this year. These pictures were taken a couple of days ago. Yesterday, a wild hen presented herself near the turkey pen, and spent the better part of a day grazing the pasture with the goats.

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