Sunday, May 21, 2017

New Arrivals

It's been a busy Spring at the homestead, and there are always new things happening. A lot goes on while I am not around, life lately has been a big game of catch-up, it seems. We have some new arrivals this month, this for me is the best part of having a farm!

First came the turkey poults. There were 7 that hatched, but Mama somehow managed to crunch all of the babies except two. I didn't want to lose the remaining poults, so I took them from her and brought them back to town with me. They lived in the bathroom for about a week, and when they had sufficient feathers I brought them back to the farm.

Now they live outside in their own little pen, and Mama turkey (who is wandering loose around the farmyard at present) can still be with them without crushing them. It looks like there is a little hen poult, and a little tom poult.

Next came the baby goats! Opal had her babies, twin bucklings this time. I especially like the little black one with the airplane ears. It looks like he might end up with blue eyes too! I have no idea where these traits came from, but very cool.
Opal gave birth unassisted, and it seems everything went perfectly for her. What a relief, after the nightmare I had with Cami!

Here are the new little goats, they don't have any names yet. Cuteness overload!!

I am leaving them on their Mama for now, as I don't know if I can manage a proper milking schedule at present. Cami goat has been dried up for the same reason, lack of ability to maintain the milking schedule. .

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