Thursday, August 18, 2016

Hardscrabble's Tiny Solar System

Here is our small DC solar system.

This is a 45 watt solar array that powers the electric fence for the time being. First, the panels on the shed roof. Very dusty, I'm going to have to do something about that!

Next, the charge controller. This is a cheap 3-amp charge controller, about $20 from Harbor Freight. Not the best quality, but it's been in use over 2 years without issue.

Charge controller goes to the battery. This is just a regular deep cycle marine battery.

In this picture the solar panels are not hooked up to it, because apparently charging the battery while the electric fence is hooked up is NOT a good idea. The battery gets charged once a month or so unless something shorts the fence out, then more frequent charging is required.

This DC electric fencer is wired directly to the battery.

Currently, the electric fence is the only thing this system is running. I do have plans to run one or two DC lights off this system, but have no plans to hook an inverter up to or overuse such a small system.

This setup will give you basic DC lighting and power on a small scale.

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